Lockdown Level 1 - latest update

At long last, we have reached lockdown level 1 and it seems as if we are finally going to get back to some form of 'normal' again. I have been busy behind the scenes, so even though I canceled all the classes from March 2020, I have not just been resting.

First, I have been working hard and planning for the Women's Recharge Weekend (short name WRW2020), and we are nearing the delivery date. Please keep us in your prayers for this weekend and that the ladies who are coming enjoy the rest and reflection time I'm trying to orchestrate. I'm praying that it is worth their while and that my dream for the weekend will be fulfilled.

Second, I've been trying all sorts of ways to do remote classes for those ladies who are far away and can't travel to the classes. I've been exploring using my cell phone for video taping, my camera and now my husband bought me a webcam for my birthday. So, if you ladies are interested, I'm going to try and get this going to ensure that you can do the classes in the comfort of your own homes too. Watch this space as I will let you know when that is a reality. I'm super excited about this as I have had many requests for classes during the lockdown time. I have been trying to figure out how to handle the logistics what with PPE and social distancing rules, so I'm also looking at changing the modus operandi slightly for 2021 (seeing that the virus may still be around for another 2 years).

WATCH THIS SPACE, things are evolving....
