The story of the Women's Recharge Weekend for 2019...

Well, the start of the long-awaited Women's Recharge Weekend try-out finally arrived. Our little party started arriving at Emseni Christian Centre from about 13h30 and the last person arrived around 16h45 on the 2nd of August. It is a truly beautiful venue and has many inspiring meditation stations dotted around the terrain.

We spent the weekend trying to relax as much as we could, doing a lot of introspection, working through the book 'The Dream Giver' from Bruce Wilkinson, doing a special craft project filled with symbolism, interspersed with some meditation sessions and being treated like queens by the staff from Emseni. In the process, we forged new friendships and we were inspired by our two speakers and their stories. What a special weekend for all of us and we left rejuvenated and ready to face life again. I include a photograph of our completed work


I'm looking forward to the next one in 2020. Hope to see you there.

